Iron dog champions list

YearWinning Team Make of SledNotes
2025 Bradley George Robby SchachleSki-Doo 
2024 Cody Barber Brett LaphamPolaris 
2023 Tyler Aklestad Nick OlstadSki-Doo 
2022 Tyler Aklestad Nick OlstadSki-Doo 
2021 Brad GeorgeRobert SchachleSki-Doo 
2020Tyler AklestadNick OlstadSki-Doo 
2019Mike MorganChris OldsPolaris 
2018Mike MorganChris OldsPolaris 
2017Cory DavisRyan SimonsArctic Cat 
2016Tyson JohnsonTyler AklestadSki-Doo 
2015Scott FaeoEric QuamPolaris 
2014Nick OlstadTodd MinnickPolaris 
2013Marc McKennaDusty VanMeterSki-Doo 
2012Marc McKennaDusty VanMeterSki-Doo 
2011Chris OldsTyler HuntingtonPolaris 
2010Chris OldsTyler HuntingtonPolaris 
2009Nick OlstadTodd MinnickPolaris 
2008Marc McKennaEric QuamArctic Cat 
2007Todd PalinScott DavisArctic Cat 
2006Dwayne DrakeAndy GeorgeArctic Cat*course altered mid race due to safety hazard
2005Marc McKennaNick OlstadArctic CatWasilla > Nome > Wasilla/Big Lake
2004Mark CarrDusty VanMeterSki-DooPike's FBX > Nome > Wasilla/Big Lake
2003   Race Cancelled due to warm temperatures and poor trail conditions
2002Todd PalinDusty Van MeterArctic CatWasilla > Nome > Pike's FBX
2001Tracey BrassardKen LeePolaris Wasilla > Nome > Pike's FBX
2000Todd PalinDusty Van MeterArctic CatWasilla > Nome > Pike's FBX
1999Scott DavisMark CarrArctic CatWasilla > Nome > Pike's FBX
1998Scott DavisMark CarrArctic CatWasilla > Nome > Pike's FBX
1997Scott DavisMark CarrArctic CatWasilla > Nome > Wasilla
1996John FaeoBob GilmanPolarisWasilla > Nome > Wasilla
1995Todd PalinDwayne DrakePolarisWasilla > Nome > Wasilla
1994Dan ZipayEvan BoothPolarisWasilla > Nome > Wasilla
1993Scott DavisBill LongArctic CatWasilla > Nome > Wasilla
1992Dan ZipayEvan BoothPolarisNome > Big Lake
1991John FaeoBob GilmanPolarisBig Lake > Nome
1990John FaeoBob GilmanYamahaBig Lake > Nome
1989Scott DavisMark TorkelsonYamahaBig Lake > Nome
1988John FaeoDan ZipayPolarisBig Lake > Nome
1987John FaeoDan ZipayPolarisBig Lake > Nome
1986John FaeoDan ZipayPolarisBig Lake > Nome
1985Scott DavisGary EoffYamahaBig Lake > Nome; Event Name: Gold Rush Classic
1984John FaeoRod Frank PolarisMcGrath > Nome; Event Name: Iron Dog Iditarod


Over the 40-year history of the Iron Dog, 32 different riders have won the race, 17 have multiple titles, and 15 have won only once. There are now three second-generation family names with a championship title: Scott Faeo (Eric Quam - 2015), Cory Davis (Ryan Simons - 2017) and Brad George (Robby Schachle - 2021), Scott’s father, John Faeo, and Cory’s father, Scott Davis, are tied with the most victories while Brad’s father Andy George won in 2006. No all-rookie team have won since the first race. Two all- women teams have finished the Iron Dog, Jackie Page and Missy McClurg (2001) and Hillarie Gossett and Ashley Wood (2023) plus with the inclusion of the Red Dog Loop.  Jana Pevan-Peterson (2012) and Danielle Levine (2019) are the only other two women to finish the Pro Class.

Name Wins
Scott Davis 7
John Faeo 7
Nick Olstad 6
Dan Zipay 5
Dusty Van Meter 5
Chris Olds 4
Mark Carr 4
Todd Palin 4
Marc McKenna 4
Tyler Aklestad 4
Bob Gilman 3
Mike Morgan 2
Todd Minnick 2
Evan Booth 2
Dwayne Drake 2
Tyler Huntington 2
Eric Quam 2
Robby Schachle 2
Brad George 2
Tracey Brassard 1
Gary Eoff 1
Rod Frank 1
Ken Lee 1
Andy George 1
Bill Long 1
Mark Torkelson 1
Scott Faeo 1
Tyson Johnson 1
Ryan Simons 1
Cory Davis 1
Cody Barber 1
Brett Lapham 1

Photo by Tyler Bryan

Winning Brands

All 4 major manufacturers have won the Iron Dog:

Polaris, 18
Arctic Cat, 11
Ski-Doo, 9
Yamaha, 3

Polaris has the current victory in 2024. Arctic Cat won 4 races in a row from 2005 to 2008. Ski-Doo’s first victory came in 2004, then back to back victories in 2012, 2013, 2016 and again in 2020 & 2021 and 2022 & 2023. Prior to 2009, Arctic Cat had won 10 of 12 races and added its 11th win in 2017. Yamaha won 3 times in the first 7 races but has not won since 1990. Polaris is currently the top brand-winner, taking nearly half the races. Nick Olstad is the only racer two win on Ski-Doo, Polaris & Arctic Cat.

Page Contents

List of Winners


Winning Brands

Archive of Results

Banner photo by Megan Rolinger

Iron Dog Sponsors