
The future of our sport requires fostering young racers. The Iron Dog staff, board of directors, past and present racers take this role of “fostering” very personal.  

While yes the Iron Pup Series is about racing, bigger goals include promoting, safety, teamwork, mechanical skills and good sportsmanship!  Goals that we hope to teach our young racers who will someday become Iron Dog champions.

We’re excited to announce that in 2025 we will be working with local race organizations for three races to make signing up streamlined, insurance available, and the environment more Iron Dog like.

Race Series

Iron Pup BackCountry Breakup Race
April 5, 2025
Learn More →

Mark Torkleson Memorial Race (Cancelled 2025)

Mark Torkelson was an Iron Dog Veteran racer and champion who passed away in 2017, he was inducted into the Iron Dog Hall of Fame in 2018.  His family formed the Tork Memorial Foundation to continue Marks vision of promoting and growing the Motorsports Racing comunity across Alaska.  The Torkelson Race is a single race and spans 30 miles.  Racers under the age of 13 must have a chaperone.  

Date: February 1, 2025 - CANCELLED due to LOW SNOW, stay tuned for updates.

Location: Starting at Deshka Landing

Race Details: 30 miles out and back, single riders.

Scary Tree Iron Dog Mini (Cancelled 2025)

Like the Iron Dog Race the Scary Tree 50 is a race a cross country team race made up by Teams of 2 racers, each on their own snowmachine.  Originally a race held by Alaska Cross Country Racing (ACCR).  The first Scary Tree 50 was held in 2021 and featured 16 teams of 2 - with a chaperone per racer.  In 2025, the race will continue its course leaving from Deshka with their chaperones racing a 50 mile route finishing back at Deshka Landing after racers pause for a lunch break and hot dog cook out at “Scary Tree”. Scary Tree is located in what is called “short cut slew” near the Yetna and Big Su Rivers meet - it’s named for what is literally a scary looking tree which has since fell.

Date: March 1, 2025

Location: Starting at Deshka Landing - CANCELLED DUE TO LOW SNOW, stay tuned for updates.

Race Details: 50 mile race with the start at Deshka Landing. Teams of 2.

Iron Pup BackCountry Breakup Race

Summit Trails Map - Final course map to be announced - Click to Expand

New things start in spring and we’re excited to kick of the season with a NEW race!  The Iron Pup Backcountry Breakup race!  Racers will travel from Eureka Lodge (under NEW Ownership) heading west to Start Up Lake, then North to Little Monument (Trail 7), Corked Creek to North Creek through Cameron Pass (Trail 16) to Flat Creek to Little Nelchina then back up the hill to Monument before finishing at the Loge.  The race course will have it all Iron Dog Cross Country style racing, wide open trail riding and bumps!  

**Full course to be completely marked later this week, course is partially marked from the lodge NOW.  Racers on 200’s will complete one, 35 mile loop all other racers will do 2 laps.

**Each racer is required to have a chaperone.

Date: April 5, 2025

Location: Starting from Eureka Lodge

Race Details: Two-35 mile loops, chaperone required.

Code of Conduct

In the spirit of good sportsmanship - all participants, their parents and chaperones bust adhere to the following:

  • Be respectful of fans, private property and race officials.

  • Obey all local, state and federal laws.

  • No fighting, swearing or throwing of helmets, gloves or any equipment

  • Negative publicity in public, on social media will not be tolerated

  • Racers should be aware of their surroundings and make way for faster teams approaching from behind

  • All racers and chaperons will STOP and help and racer who is injured.

  • All chaperons, volunteers must also wear a helmet when on a snowmachine or motorized vehicle.

It is the responsibility of parents / guardian to make sure their children understand this code of conduct and that parents adhere to as well. It is also a parent’s / guardian’s responsibility to ensure that friends, family and support crew adhere to this code of conduct as we work together to foster racers we can all be proud of!

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