The Iron Dog Gears Up with Klim
It's no secret that KLIM Technical Riding Gear is built for the most demanding riders. As the world's longest, toughest snowmobile race, the Iron Dog counts on KLIM. From the racers to the volunteers, Klim USA lends support to the whole gang. We enjoyed having KLIM join us for the day at the 2012 Donlin Gold Iron Dog Safety Expo and look forward to seeing them again in the future!Volunteer SupportKLIM has once again generously helped outfit our 2012 Iron Dog race officials and Anchorage Fracture and Orthopedic Clinic donated toward the student team coats. Thanks to their advanced design and manufacturing, our race officials and volunteers can keep their focus and attention on the race without worrying about the weather.
Contingency PrizeOn the racer side, thanks to KLIM USA, each member of the fastest pro class rookie team into Nome this year will walk away with a $500 product certificate!See the complete list of Contingency Prizes.